We supply the best for less and aim to reduce the price of our items by at least 50% off the Recommended Retail Price (RRP)!


Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-free Baking Soda 454g

RRP £6.99 (Amazon)
£3.00 Was £4.00

Choc Chick Blissful Blends Cacao Mandarin 250g

RRP £7.99 (Holland & Barrett)

Coconut Milk by Ayam 200ml

RRP 85p (Tesco)

Coconut Oil - Organic Raw Extra Virgin by Coconut Merchant 300ml

RRP £5.99 (healthpharm.co.uk)
£2.50 Was £3.50

Cole’s Gluten Free Christmas Pudding 112g

RRP £3.99 (colespuddings.com)
£1.00 Was £2.00

Dr Will's Beetroot Ketchup 250g

RRP £3.50 (dr-wills.com)

Granovita Organic Well Drink 250ml

RRP £9.83 (vitalifehealth.com)
£1.00 Was £4.00

Hampton’s Selection of Luxury Preserves 6 x 42g

RRP £11.99 (moltonheights.co.uk)

Jelly Belly Chewy Candy Sours 60g

RRP £1.40 (jellybelly.co.uk)

Knorr Stock Cubes 72g

RRP £2.50 Beef (sainsburys) £1.75 Veggie (Tesco)
£0.50 Was £1.00

Longbottom & Co. Hot Chilli Sauce 250ml

RRP £6 (longbottom.co)

Meridian Organic Mince Pie Filling 320g

RRP £3.95 (eversfieldorganic.co.uk)
£2.00 Was £2.20

Moo Free Orange & Caramel Crunch Bar 35g

RRP £3.75 (great-British-confectionary.co.uk)
£0.50 Was £1.00

Mude Sleep (Mood Drink) Sparkling Natural Beverage with Elderflower 4 x 330ml

RRP £10.99 for 6 (thenakedcollective.com) (£1.83 each can)
£2.50 Was £3.00

No Chicken Organic Vegan Broth by Oceans Halo 946ml

RRP £4 (Ocado)
£0.50 Was £1.00

Nojo Tahini Noodle Sauce 200ml

RRP £4.69 (Ocado)
£1.50 Was £2.00

Nojo White Miso Sauce 200ml

RRP £4.70 (Ocado)
£1.50 Was £2.00

Noni 100% Juice - Organic by Dynamic Health 946 ml

RRP £22.59 (healthpharm.co.uk)

Onion Powder - Organic by Hatton Hill 250g

RRP £8.59 (Amazon)
£4.00 Was £5.00

Pulsin Choc Fudge & Peanut Keto Bar 50g

RRP £35.82 (case of 18 bars) (pulsin.co.uk)

Pulsin Keto Vanilla Protein Powder 252g or 980g

RRP £19.99 (252g) or £65.49 (980g) (pulsin.co.uk)

Pulsin Protein Powder Hemp or Rice 250g

RRP Hemp £12.99/Rice £9.99 (pulsin.co.uk)

Pure xanthan Gum Powder- by Whole Food Earth

RRP £4.89 (wholefoodearth.com)

Rayner's Essentials Classic Crude Black Strap Molasses 340g

RRP £3.19 (healthpharm.co.uk)
£2.00 Was £2.50

Sacla Vegan Blue Cheese Salad Dressing 230ml

RRP £2.99 (themintleaves.com)
£0.50 Was £1.20

Short Grain Brown Rice by Whole Food Earth 1kg

RRP £4.58 (wholefoodearth.com)
£2.00 Was £2.20

Spicy Barbecue Crunchy Corn By Mr Filbert’s 40g

RRP £14.72 (case of 15 x 40g mrfilberts.com)

Tea Pigs Everyday Brew 15 temples 49.5g

RRP £4.60 (teapigs.co.uk)

Tea Pigs Silver Tips 15 Temples 37.5g

RRP £6.30 (teapigs.co.uk)

The Sun Valley Nut Co. Bar Pot 55g

RRP £1.08 Chilli Mix (sunvalleyshop.co.uk)