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Yellow Mustard Seeds - Organic by JustIngredients Essentials 500g

£5.00 Was £6.00

Dated: 11/2022

Important Information

Please be aware. We sell high-end products which are on, nearing or past their best before dates. This is how we can get the price so low! Please see our 'about us' page for more information. The date of this item is above this description box.

Organic Yellow Mustard Seeds
Latin Name: Brassica hirta syn. Sinapis alba, Brassica alba.

Plant Family

Other Names
White Mustard Seed, Chedleck, Witte Mosterd, Moutarde Blanche, Weißer Senf, Senape Biancha, Mostarda Branca, Muștar Alb, Mostaza Silvestre, Senfsaat, Senapsfrö, Khardal and Vayse Mustarde.

Yellow Mustard Seeds are pretty mellow tasting, a little spicy and slightly sweet making them perfect for those who don't like their food too sharp and spicy. We give you permission to use this ingredient with a big ol' smile on your face because you know you're cooking with an ingredient that's certified organic!

Grab your pestle and mortar and make homemade mustard! Grind these seeds down using water, ale, or wine to mix. Simply spoon into a bowl or jar, add your liquid of choice, and mix to a paste as thick as you like it. Leave to stand for 10-15 minutes for the flavour to develop, add dried herbs such as sage, tarragon or basil a long with a little crushed mustard seeds for extra bite. Partner with cheese, pork, and dairy dishes. Alternatively, stir the seeds into pickles, chutneys, and curries for extra flavour or sprinkle into flat bread mixes and stir into rice and grain dishes.

All product information is subject to change without notice. Our product details, including product names, descriptions, specifications and images of serving suggestions, are not intended to constitute the full legal description of the products, and does not necessarily include all information including allergens. The Little Yellow Label Company may change product specifications or information at any time and such amendments may not be updated online immediately. For full and up-to-date details including allergens, please refer to the product packaging.

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