Rice Flour 100% by Wholefood Earth 500g
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Rice flour is great for recipes that require a naturally non-gluten grain, hence it's a great substitute for wheat flour. It can be used to make pancakes, cakes, biscuits and rice noodles.
What Is 100% Rice Flour?
Rice is a whole grain that is relatively low in calories, high in fibre and can be incorporated into a variety of dishes, but as flour it is even more versatile.
Why Should I Get 100% Rice Flour?
It's great for recipes that require a naturally non-gluten grain and provides a plethora of new uses, especially for things like smoothies, pancakes or cakes.
It is especially good for baking breads, as its flavour is stronger than conventional flours and blends extremely well.
As an alternative to refined white flours, rice flour blows them out of the water! Both nutritionally and in terms of flavour.
Rice flour is made from ground raw rice and is used to make rice noodles and some pancakes, such as south Indian appals. It can be used to thicken soups and stews, as well as providing an alternative to wheat flour in cakes, muffins, biscuits & a necessary ingredient for firm wheat bread.
100% Rice Flour!
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